Love and Chaos: An Indian Wedding
Posting a few photos from one of my closest friend’s wedding in Chennai, India. It was the most chaotic, lovely wedding I’ve ever been to. There were horses, spears, carriages, swings, and more flowers than I thought possible. I had no idea what was going on most of the time - and it was a delight! I took these photos with the Fujifilm x-t4 and the 50mm f2 lens, which was the perfect set up for the wedding venue and the little time we had out and about in the city. Gallery bellow.
Bride and Groom
Henna time!
Thoughtful Pose
Not sure this kid had a drivers license
Shop ‘till you drop
Dance rehearsal time
Family photo
Drummers always look the coolest
Coffee at the wedding keeps the guests going!
Our ride for the weekend
JK, this was our ride
Very nice!
Peak Gregory is spear carrying Gregory
Dancing in the street